Yoga Union Class Offerings

Traditional hot 26&2

Length: 60 minutes/75 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginners and all levels • Temperature: Hot & Humid 

This is a beginner's series of 26 postures and 2 breathing techniques designed to provide a challenging, invigorating, and rejuvenating yoga experience. This class is a set sequence divided between a standing portion and a floor portion and is good for students who are not looking to do any weight-bearing with the upper body, as there are no downward dog or arm balancing postures.

Hot Union Flow

Length: 75 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginners and all levels • Temperature: Hot & Humid 

Union Flow is a blend of the 26 postures from the traditional Hot 26&2 series with additional postures to build strength and increase flexibility. Introduce both the body and mind to new shapes and perspectives and take your practice to the next level. This class is accessible for new and advanced yogis.

Silent Hot 26&2

Length: 60 minutes/75 minutes • Difficulty: Students must be familiar with the Hot 26 & 2 Series, as there will be no verbal instruction • Temperature: Hot & Humid 

Silent 26&2 is suitable for anyone familiar with our traditional sequence. Composed of 26 postures and 2 breathing techniques, this class is a moving meditation, providing a challenging and rejuvenating yoga experience. This class is practiced silently to music and guided physically, not verbally, by an experienced yoga instructor. Our silent class is a moving meditation and allows space to explore and play with the creative freedom to take intermediate modifications. Students will silently exchange, share and build energy, cultivating higher states of consciousness and awareness. Delve deeper into this powerful practice as we move silently together as one.

hot harmony 26&2 & yin

Length: 75 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginners and mixed levels • Temperature: Hot & Humid 

Hot Harmony is the perfect combination of Traditional Hot and Silent Hot 26&2 followed by deep stretching Yin postures to work on flexibility, mobility, joint strength and relaxation. Share in the powerful energy of moving meditation as we practice together as one to music. Receive the benefits of both verbal and visual instruction. This class is practiced in a high-heat and high-humidity room and due to its slow pace, is an excellent class for those who are new to yoga or who have injuries. There is no weight-bearing with the upper body, unlike most other yoga styles, this series was designed for detoxification, strength, flexibility, and joint health.

Warm FLow

Length: 60 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginners and all levels • Temperature: Heated

Hatha Flow is a combination of both Hatha yoga and Vinyasa yoga and focuses on breath awareness, and mind, body, and spirit connection.

Hatha yoga is a broad term for the physical practice of yoga postures, asanas, breathing exercises, or pranayama. Hatha refers to a set of postures designed to align the skin, the muscles, and the bones and open the many channels of the body, so energy can flow more freely.

Hatha is also broken down as ‘ha’ meaning ‘sun’ and ‘tha’ meaning ‘moon’ or the balance of the masculine and the feminine within all of us. Hatha yoga helps us to restore this balance, unite the opposites as well as develop a balance of strength and flexibility and effort and surrender in each pose. It is a powerful tool for self-transformation that brings attention to breath, helps to still the fluctuations of the mind, cultivates presence, reduces stress, and ages the body gracefully. 

Vinyasa means “flow“, movement, or position. Vinyasa yoga uses breath-to-movement as the foundation of the practice using the art of sequencing to flow effortlessly from one pose to the next. Vinyasa yoga is a creative, alignment-based style of yoga that focuses on strength and flexibility.


Length: 75 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginners and all levels • Temperature: Not Heated & Heated options are available

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with poses, or asanas, that are held for longer periods. While initially, this style of yoga can seem passive, yin practice can be quite challenging due to the long duration of the poses. It is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga. This practice generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine and is great for healing from injuries or surgeries, and reducing stress.

warm vinyasa ladder flow

Length: 60 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginners and all levels • Temperature: Heated

Vinyasa Ladder Flow is made up of sequences that build on each other by adding a few postures per round and repeating the loop. Experience working with longer holds and also quick one-breath bursts of movement. Ladder flows are a great option for both flexibility and endurance building.

Vinyasa means “flow“, movement, or position. Vinyasa yoga uses breath-to-movement as the foundation of the practice using the art of sequencing to flow effortlessly from one pose to the next. Vinyasa yoga is a creative, alignment-based style of yoga that focuses on strength and flexibility.

Yang to Yin

Length: 75 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginner and advanced yogis • Temperature: Not Heated

Yin To Yang is a union of the yang, active and masculine energy within and its dynamic, muscular style of yoga and the yin, passive, feminine energy within and is a relaxing, slow-paced restorative style of yoga. The two complement each other perfectly.

Explore a nourishing practice through mindful movement and long deep slow stretches. Restore the balance of yang and yin energy, strength, and flexibility and bring peace and unity to mind and body, and spirit.

Ashtanga led half primary

Length: 90 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginners and all levels • Temperature: Not Heated

Tiaga Prem will share the opening and closing chants, Sanskrit and English count, ujjayi breathing, bandhas (core strength), drishti (concentration/focus point), mudra (hand position), surya namaskar (sun salutations), standing sequence, asanas (postures) and the closing sequence in Ashtanga Yoga. Once students have attended several classes, hands-on adjustments will be offered with consent. This class is excellent for people looking to get stronger and more flexible combined with learning a traditional practice with meditative and spiritual elements.

warm kundalini

Length: 60 minutes • Difficulty: Suitable for beginners and all levels • Temperature: Heated

Kundalini is the term for "a spiritual energy or life force located at the base of the spine. The intention is to arouse the sleeping Kundalini Shakti energy from its coiled base through the 6 chakras and penetrate the 7th chakra, or crown. Kundalini energy is technically explained as being sparked during yogic breathing when prana and Apana blends at the 3rd chakra (navel center) at which point it initially drops down to the 1st and 2nd chakras before traveling up to the spine to the higher centers of the brain to activate the golden cord - the connection between the pituitary and pineal glands - and penetrate the 7 chakras. Through Kriyas and meditation, one is thought able to liberate oneself from one's Karma and to realize one's Dharma (Life Purpose).